The insta-pot class was my favorite! I’d been using it to cook beans and other ingredients, but your class used the IP to make a complete recipe! All of those recipes are easy & delicious (maybe a bit more cold-weather in their flavor profiles)…SO an IP class for when it’s too hot to turn-on the oven (i.e. NOW) would be my suggestion (for next summer?). Keep cooking and writing some of my favorite & most often-made recipes!!! Happy summer ☀️

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great idea!!!!!!!

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Where did you get that cute apron in the photo?

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hedley & bennet!

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Thank you for sharing the details about your mom and her love and attention. My mom passed when I was a teenager, but she was a doodler and shared her love through notes a lot. This was touching for me. :)

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Oh this is so touching to hear - thanks for telling me.

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